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Oliver Turnbull and Carol Tully, Vice-Principals of Bangor University Visit to CSUFT

Date:2016-12-05 Pageviews:175

The Pro Vice-Chancellors of the Bangor University, Professor Oliver Turnbull and Professor Carol Tully paid a 4-day visit to the Central South University of Forestry and Technology during November 27th to December 1st, with a purpose to implement the contract that had been signed in September by the CSUFT president Liao Xiaoping and the Vice-Chancellor of Bangor University Professor John Hughes, in which the bilateral cooperation of the two universities in scientific research and talent cultivation would be further deepened. Liao Xiaoping along with the vice-presidents of CSUFT Zhao Yunlin, Zhu Daohong, Yan Shuguang received the two visitors and had in-depth discussions about the further communication of the schools. 

Liao Xiaoping first extended warm welcome to the arrival of the British guests and particularly appreciated Professor Oliver Turnbull for his devoted help in September when Liao visited Bangor University himself. He then briefly gave a retrospect of the previous achievements attained by the two schools in teaching, scientific research, and student exchange. The two parties also made thorough discussions about how to further their mutual collaboration, talking specifically about scientific research, teachers and students communication, joint training of postgraduates and doctorate students, and sending qualified members to each other’s school for postdoctoral programs. They also exchanged opinions on the construction and development of the BCC, as well as the management and operation of the CSUFT-Bangor University Joint Research Center. 

Since the afternoon of November 28th, the leaders of the Forest Department, the Environmental Science and Engineering Department, the Materials Science and Technology Department, the Music Department, the Foreign Language Department, the graduate school and the person responsible for the International Communication and Exchange Office have consecutively met the foreign guests and discussed about the academic communication and talent cultivation in specific subjects.   

In the evening of November 28, Professor Oliver Turnbull delivered an academic lecture on the topic of “Are Animals Self-conscious” which aroused enthusiastic reaction from the audience. In the next morning he shared the methods and experience of education quality assurance of Bangor University with the Academic Affairs Office, Quality Control and Assessment Center, the Forestry Department, the Computer and Information Engineering Department, the Business Department, the Economics Department, and the BCC of CSUFT whose teachers and persons responsible warmly discussed with Professor Tully about the improvement methods of CSUFT’s education quality assurance.     

Oliver Turnbull and Carol Tully also attended three seminars consecutively with the teaching staff, management personnel and students of the BCC. In entering the class and engaging with the BCC students personally, they knew in detail the teaching condition, class arrangement, academic support, teaching resources, management style and current challenges of the college, and also offered constructive suggestions. 

In addition, they also visited the National Engineering Laboratory for Southern Forest Ecology Applied Technology and the State Forestry Bureau Key Laboratory for Economic Forest Breeding and Cultivation. (Written by Cheng Hanlin, Reviewed by Yang Zhiqing) 

Liao Xiaoping was meeting the guests 

Oliver Turnbull and Carol Tully were attending the BCC teacher seminar 

Oliver Turnbull was sharing Bangor University’s measures and experience in education quality assurance  

Oliver Turnbull and Carol Tully were visiting the National Engineering Laboratory for Southern Forest Ecology Applied Technology  

Oliver Turnbull and Carol Tully were demonstrating the gift sent by BCC 

Group photo of Oliver Turnbull, Carol Tully and the BCC teachers and students 

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Central South University of Forestry & Technology

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